Case study

“hire a koala, why don't’cha?!” Mini career site campaign

“hire a koala, why don't’cha?!” Mini career site campaign

Transforming a layoff into a launchpad. How a campaign about dead koalas rallied a team and caught the eye of hiring managers across the tech industry.

Transforming a layoff into a launchpad. How a campaign about dead koalas rallied a team and caught the eye of hiring managers across the tech industry.

Screenshots of the Hire a Koala website featuring
Screenshots of the Hire a Koala website featuring
Screenshots of the Hire a Koala website featuring
Screenshots of the Hire a Koala website featuring



Hire a Koala: A story about turning setbacks into opportunities.



Web Designer

Web Designer





As a Senior Product Designer at Qualifi, I spent two years crafting software solutions for high-volume recruiting teams. When an unexpected round of layoffs hit, I partnered with Leila Spann, our Director of Marketing, to turn this challenge into an opportunity for our entire team.

The Challenge

In a competitive job market, how could we help our talented colleagues stand out and secure new roles quickly?

The Solution

Leila and I combined our expertise in design and marketing to create a mini-career site and LinkedIn campaign. This collaborative project, dubbed "Hire a Koala," aimed to spotlight our team's diverse talents and catch the eye of potential employers.

Our Approach:

  1. Brainstorming: Leila proposed the idea of a LinkedIn campaign to leverage our professional network.

  2. Design & Development: I crafted a visually appealing mini-career site to complement the social media strategy.

  3. Content Creation: We worked together to highlight each team member's unique strengths and experiences.

Key Features:

  • Eye-catching visuals featuring a charming koala mascot

  • Concise team member profiles emphasizing individual talents

  • Clear categorization of skills across engineering, customer success, and more

  • Social proof through previous work experience logos

  • Coordinated LinkedIn posts to drive traffic and engagement

The Results

The Hire a Koala campaign resonated strongly with our network and beyond:

  • Over 1,000 unique site visits within the first two weeks

  • Enthusiastic engagement on LinkedIn, with comments praising the initiative's creativity and positivity

  • Multiple team members received job leads and interview opportunities

Lessons Learned

  1. Power of collaboration: By combining our strengths in design and marketing, we created a more impactful campaign.

  2. Adaptability is key: Turning a challenging situation into a growth opportunity yielded unexpected benefits.

  3. Collective strength: Showcasing our team as a unit amplified each individual's impact.

Looking Forward

The Hire a Koala project not only helped our team navigate a difficult transition but also demonstrated the real-world impact of thoughtful design and strategic marketing. As we move forward in our careers, this experience serves as a testament to the power of community and design when you combine the two.

🐨 Check the site out here.

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Made with rage in NC • © 2024 Cameron Campbell

form meets fun

Made with rage in NC • © 2024 Cameron Campbell